• パーソンズシリーズ



立派な門構えの和風建築ですか? それとも、威風堂々とした洋風建築ですか?
でも、"誇り"はこころの内にあるもので外に見せるものではありません。ましてや、「住宅」というハードで表現されるものではありません。私たちはあなたのこころの内にある"誇り"を、まずご確認されることが大切だと思います。 こころをクリアーにして、そこに見えた"自分自身の本当の誇り"を大切にすることが「あなた自身を本当に満足させる住まい」を見つける秘訣だと思います。
The paradox : Giving a personal satisfaction is
exactly giving an entire satisfaction
The things you think are comfortable are probably special things in a very individual sense,
or things that everyone would think comfortable. To put a name to these two concepts, personal and global would probably be appropriate.
The world economy is being reconstructed on a truly global basis, but what we are aiming for is a "personal standard". The things you think are comfortable are the most important things for us. The accumulated satisfaction of many individuals will be our story.
We have a "personal standard" in whatever we do.
The paradox : Giving a personal satisfaction is
exactly giving an entire satisfaction
The things you think are comfortable are probably special things in a very individual sense,
or things that everyone would think comfortable. To put a name to these two concepts, personal and global would probably be appropriate.
The world economy is being reconstructed on a truly global basis, but what we are aiming for is a "personal standard". The things you think are comfortable are the most important things for us. The accumulated satisfaction of many individuals will be our story.
We have a "personal standard" in whatever we do.
Inherited for the future:
A sense of responsibility which permits no compromise.
Just like parents who have shouldered a heavy responsibility towards a newborn baby, we have a big responsibility for your home. In one sense, it could be said that such a responsibility is even greater than that for a baby.
A baby eventually leaves the nest and becomes independent, but we have an ongoing responsibility to you that extends much further into the future.
Because of this, we complete our projects with an approach that permits absolutely no compromise.
Realizing sophisticated living, sophisticated detail.
We can probably say that starting to live according to each individual "personal standard" of a myriad of lifestyles is in itself proof of the refinement of each individual's way of thinking. As you continue adding polish to your lifestyle, and become more aware of your tastes and habits, the hurdle we have to overcome to realize these aims is raised even higher. Of course some things are visible, but hurdles also arise in invisible places. In other words, a refined lifestyle is first possible because it is firmly backed up by imagination and technology.
Always adhering to an "ordinary" life:
My own personal style.
It's a little off the subject, but do you like cooking?
There used to be an ad, "I cook. You eat," which gave rise to criticism. It was discriminatory towards women. But these days, fewer people immediately think that "I cook" must refer to a woman. We enjoy cooking, we enjoy eating. It's irrelevant whether you're a man or a woman - both should share the roles in life. The fundamental point is to enjoy life. We are extremely particular about the details associated with doing this. This is the Persons' style.
毎日のストレスや多忙な日常は、現代人に大きな影響を与えています。でも、ちょっとした心遣いでそんな状況を少しでも改善することができます。例えば、「住まい」の中で本当にリラックスできるようにするためにはどうしたらいいのか? これも、私たちの重要なテーマです。出来るだけ自然体で暮らせるようにすること。
Living with nature is actually
the most important thing.
Everyday stress and busy lives have a big influence on people today. But with a little consideration, we can improve such conditions. For example, what would be best so that you can really relax in your home? This, too, is an important theme for us. We want you to be able to live in as natural a setting as possible. In fact, this is the most difficult thing and also the most important.
